World Humanitarian Day 2019
Saluting outstanding deeds of women humanitarians by individuals or organizations is this year’s theme. World Humanitarian Day was created to highlight some of the best examples of kindness and empathy, inspiring your own humanitarian deeds. Women Humanitarians hold a sense of unparalleled uniqueness, one that adds to the global momentum of female strength, power and perseverance. It is time to honor the women who have acted as first responders to the darkest hours of crisis.

The following are some of the defining characteristics of all humanitarians:
Kindness, the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.
Empathetic, the ability to understand the thoughts and feelings of others.
Humanitarian, involved in or connected with improving people’s lives.
World Humanitarian Day 2019 (Weblink)
#WomenHumanitarians (Twitter)