A story about fallacious donation collector
InfoCision services are used by a wide variety of clients. These include national nonprofit organizations, Fortune 100 companies and smaller businesses, focusing on customer acquisition, customer care and retention, and nonprofit fundraising, as well as volunteer recruitment. The company is divided into nine divisions, which are financial services, telecommunications, media, consumer and business services and religious, nonprofit and political fundraising.

Bloomberg has alleged that InfoCision sometimes takes as much as 100% of the proceeds raised for nonprofits and that givers are often unaware of the percentage of their money that goes to the telemarketing firm. Furthermore, the report alleged that the script given to the telemarketers to read to prospective donors contains factual lies about how much money will go to the charity.
In one instance a charity entered into a contract with InfoCision, a telemarketing firm that works closely with nonprofits. Only 15% of the expected funds raised would be given to the charity with the other 85% being kept by the telemarketing firm. Allegedly telemarketers were instructed to lie to prospective donors regarding how much of their donation would go to the charity.
We are just three average guys in the later stages of life. None of us are wealthy or even interested in becoming so. Sharing a common interest in helping others in need is the basic premise of “The Spirit of Humanity”. Our philosophy is simple, the more donations received by the charitable institution or individual seeking to help others in any capacity, the better service they can provide to the people who need help. This is why we provide all of our services for free. It could be a simple posting and share to our Facebook page, Group or on our official website to increase their visibility. In many cases we can offer to help develop websites, social media pages, videos, slide shows, etc. for our clients. These efforts are to gain more contributors, more donations can mean more of the truly needy can be helped. 100% of all donations go directly to the charity, no administrative fees on our part for the services.