The Spirit of Humanity was contacted by this young Ugandan woman who requested we hear her story. She had given up on her dream of helping others and to be a humanitarian. We encouraged her not to give up hope and invited her to submit her story. This is her story in her own words without any editing.

I was born 30 years ago, and grew up in a family of 7 as the second born.For being the second born I took on the role of second parent before I was a teenager, I recall my Mother taking months and weeks away from home while I looked after my siblings like a really grown up.This kind of life shapes me into a loving,kind and responsible woman who I would later become while it also left in danger and trouble for having opportunists take my kindness for weaknesses, assuming entitlement and using me to enrich themselves. I always felt every thing that was wrong in society was wrong because I did not labour to make it right. Having grown up from a deeply religious family, I discovered on my own that religion had no answers to the suffering in the world. This helped me to overcome my prejudices, biases and I opened my heart to all good people regardless of religion, Race, Tribe and any things that have defined humans.
I met good people on my way like the Man who stepped up to my college Education when I had given up.He had not known me but when he discovered that I was taking dead years for failure to pay he stepped up to pay for me.
The first time I ever earned any money I took on my Brother to educate him for his High School Education. When I finally got a job which was 5 years after searching, being homeless, sleeping on an empty stomach, I sought to help so many people under a company/organisation which I founded. I gave up my all to help uplift every one I could reach. I started the AFAAD International initiative with a major goal of uniting Africans so that they easily participate in changing their situation.
I had seen that Africa needs help more than any one, disease, poverty, ignorance, corruption and greed. My sentiments that leaders in politics don’t really care about the suffering people, donor aid money never getting to the grassroots people, people hating on each other for lack of basic needs, conflict name it. The job of awakening people to the realisation that the situation facing them can only be changed if they unite and agree to change it, when every one plays a role is all I was focusing on.
We gave had 4 events in a row for 4 years where we come together and discuss on the way forward, empower and plan.
The pain of putting this work together has all been on me for the love of humanity. We have 150 vulnerable,elderly and women whose lives we would like to change. We don’t change their lives by giving them handouts but by availing them with ” fishing gear”, skills, market, seeds, advertisement, knowledge, lessons on love and conflict resolution name it.
I could have broken up, could have taken my life, could have totally given up because in this 4th year I got attacked by my former Boss after firing me, accusing me of theft and many associates who on the look of things are enemies of Humanity. My Boss who has been doing shoddy work ripping vulnerable communities, posing as a pan Africanist came to attack me after getting challenged by my work in the communities, he came to the point of framing me for crimes, and I am battling cases in court.
All comes down to enemies of Humanity, able and well placed people intentionally ripping off the poor and benefiting from posing around as helpers.
The power of unity really works, when we united 4 years ago, we have been able to set up a bricklaying ground which employs would be street youths, skills development centre where our members come to train in turning natural materials like fibre into useful products,and a farming project on our own to help us get enough food.
The most heart breaking part is enemies of Humanity uniting to destroy me, I don’t get it but it looks like there is a price to doing goodness. I have been thrown to detention, have lost a job, going through court every time and been rejected by family who thought I was giving much to help the world much as I built them a home.
And it is at this time that I almost lost my Humanity, I hate people, I hate helping, I don’t want to speak to them, I want them to suffer, I want to also get things of my own, I am angry and want to treat people like they don’t exist because no one helps a person who helps everybody.
I am perturbed by the fact that I have to think twice before giving up completely but I don’t know what life will be without me doing what I have been doing.
I am happy to be sharing this with you because your page reminded me that I am not alone.
Thank you for all the good you are Doing, May be I need not to give up.
Brenda.Katushemererwe aka Aleena Zahir., Uganda ,Africa.